Volunteer at OP

Special Volunteer Request

Do you identify as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community? Have experience facilitating groups and working with youth of diverse backgrounds? Live in or near Albany? Consider applying for our volunteer position: Albany Queer Space Group Facilitator.

Share your skill with OP girls.

Do you provide an educational, creative service to your community? OP partners with businesses and organizations to provide after-school workshops to girls. Potential facilitators who meet our criteria, fit our specific workplace culture, and complete a background check are considered.

Support OP’s fundraising needs.

Fundraisers including our annual Gala, community trivia nights, and other activities help keep our doors open and girls supported. Have an interest in prize procurement? Helping to set up and take down tables? Running a registration table? Let us know. We can’t guarantee participation, but we appreciate your interest.